Camping Safety Measures You Need To Know

 Do you want to showcase your outdoor skills to your friends and family? Maybe it’s just a quick break away from the city that you are craving? You can have it all with a camping trip out in the wilderness.

Camping is a great way to learn about nature and the environment as you get up close and personal with the great outdoors. There are some things you must pay heed to when it comes to safety and you must behave responsibly and adhere to the guidelines when it comes to camping safety.

Picking A Campsite

Careful selection is very important when it comes to choosing where to lay down your tent. Of all the essential camping advice, it is among the most important. Rainwater and falling rocks can cause problems close to hills and steep cliff faces. You should also be careful of camping next to rivers if you are not sure when they might rise and fall.

Bugs and anthills are also best avoided too for obvious reasons. Take extra care to avoid areas where there are lots of berries on trees if bears are known to be in the area.

Picking The Correct Clothing

You should be prepared for anything when spending a lot of time outdoors, more so if you are high up above sea level. Temperatures can change very quickly even at the height of summer and you do not want to be left without sufficient insulation.

Dressing in layers will help you be prepared for any sudden surprises in the weather, as they will no longer be a surprise. Layering enables you to take the outer garments off when you get too warm and replace them when it gets cold again. Lots of smaller layers is much more heat efficient than one or two thick layers.

You should also plan to invest in a good pair of hiking boots. Just being in these surroundings with rough and uneven ground underfoot will require some sturdy and reliable footwear. The last thing you want is to twist an ankle whilst you’re out in the middle of nowhere trying to enjoy yourself on a peaceful and relaxing break.

What To Do About Food

You should almost never keep food in your tent because bears are well known to be able to sniff it out! Bear bagging should be used if you think there may be bears around. It’s a simple method of putting food out of bears reach by hanging it in a bag from a rope around ten feet in the air.

Always bring your own water supply as even what looks like the cleanest of rivers can contain parasites that might cause you serious illness.

Plants and Animals

Never approach wild animals and make sure your children know the dangers of doing so too. The big ones will hurt you and the small ones are never too far out of sight of the big ones!.


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