Massive Cranes - O.S.T.R. - Carnival - lyrics

Massive Cranes - O.S.T.R. - Carnival - lyrics


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival

Animals in cages

Been pacing round this town for ages

Same pubs, same seat, same pint

Same names, same faces

Bitter as the brown stuff

Downed on a daily basis

Drowning in debt and regret and the loss of that bet at the races

Names to the faces

Barry and Yvette's

Brett's and the Stacey's

To all the kids on the estate, it's a state of affairs

That they can't bear yet to engage with

Been that way since back to basics

Been that way since Maggie was hated

The carpet in the flats looking dated

It stinks of the cat, and the pattern is faded

Been that way since the Jubilee parade

It's been that way since VE day

It's been that way since rationing ended

It's been that way since they started Eastenders

Been that way as long as anyone remembers

Been that way as long as anyone remembers

Been that way as long as anyone remembers

Been that way as long as anyone remembers


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival

Been that way as long as anyone remembers

Been that way as long as anyone remembers

The bunting stays out from March to December

Been that way as long as anyone remembers

Been that way since the ages were dark

And embers that sparked filled the park in November

When they burned all the pyres and the arks

And the marks on the bark of trees show the temper

Of the people as they lived then

The features of life in a time when

Things were pretty crazy

Though maybe it's vaguely the same as today, see?

Everyone's a creature

Everyone's a carnivore

Anyone's a preacher

Anyone's a matador

Carving for sport the beasts on the hard floor

Keys down a car door

The piece we all ask for

The peace we all ask for

A piece of cheese, a smorgasbord

A slice of toast, the most secret chord

The price of life on the chessboard

The next fraud

Can't be arsed with what for

Can't be arsed with the not-yours

Can't be arsed

Can't be arsed

Can't be arsed with it anymore


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival


Carnivores at the carnival

(Been that way as long as anyone remembers

Been that way as long as anyone remembers)

Everyone's a hunter in the dark

Everyone's a hunter in the dark

(Been that way as long as anyone remembers

Been that way as long as anyone remembers...)

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